There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - March 2024 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Ascending order by Supplier name Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 23021 to 23029 of 23029

10 10 St Edmunds.Skelmersdale School Admin Supplies 13163 26/03/2024 396.00 ST EDMUNDS R C P SCHOOL FUND
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 11/03/2024 1,839.08 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Discharge Support Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 11/03/2024 1,839.08 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 PDSI-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 11/03/2024 1,839.08 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 LD-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 1,589.83 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 MH2-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 2,475.44 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 MH2-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 2,475.44 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 3,008.94 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 3,008.94 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 PDSI-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 3,008.94 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 16,248.96 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 OP-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 16,248.96 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 PDSI-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 16,248.96 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
12 12 MH1-Domiciliary Care Domicilliary Care - Independent Sector 14204 04/03/2024 16,248.96 ST GREGORYS HOMECARE LTD
10 10 Brindle St James' CE Training Expenses (External) 10231 18/03/2024 542.94 ST JAMES CE PRIMARY SCHOOL
10 10 Brindle St James' CE Delegated Maintenance General 11031 18/03/2024 542.94 ST JAMES CE PRIMARY SCHOOL
10 10 Brindle St James' CE Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 18/03/2024 542.94 ST JAMES CE PRIMARY SCHOOL
16 16 Local Member Grant Grants to Voluntary Organisations 13481 20/03/2024 400.00 ST JAMES PCC
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 28/03/2024 21,859.20 ST JAMES PRE-SCHOOL
10 10 PVI Providers 2 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 28/03/2024 3,510.11 ST JAMES PRE-SCHOOL

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