There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - July 2024 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 1121 to 1140 of 41148

11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 10/07/2024 3414946 630.00 15 WINCKLEY SQUARE CHAMBERS
11 11 Homes For Ukraine Scheme Grants to Other Bodies 13483 10/07/2024 3415956 229,799.00 LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL
11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 10/07/2024 3415659 842.48 FORENSIC TESTING SERVICES LTD
11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 10/07/2024 3415659 666.72 FORENSIC TESTING SERVICES LTD
11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 10/07/2024 3415396 486.00 CHILDREN'S MEDICO-LEGAL SERVICES LTD
11 11 Learning Excellence Conference Expenses 13402 10/07/2024 3416418 504.00 RIBBY HALL VILLAGE
11 11 Learning Excellence Conference Expenses 13402 10/07/2024 3416418 504.00 RIBBY HALL VILLAGE
11 11 High Needs Funding General Fees & Charges 13201 10/07/2024 3416637 785.82 TEACHING PERSONNEL LTD
11 11 Hothersall Lodge Agency Staff 10201 10/07/2024 3414987 1,021.06 ADECCO UK LTD
11 11 Adoption Support Fund Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 10/07/2024 3416707 290.00 TIME PSYCHOLOGY LTD
11 11 Hothersall Lodge Agency Staff 10201 10/07/2024 3414987 426.24 ADECCO UK LTD
11 11 Learning Excellence Conference Expenses 13402 10/07/2024 3416418 404.00 RIBBY HALL VILLAGE
11 11 Learning Excellence Conference Expenses 13402 10/07/2024 3416418 404.00 RIBBY HALL VILLAGE
11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 10/07/2024 3415543 3,390.00 REDACT
11 11 Inclusion Specialist Teaching Non Sensory Conference Expenses 13402 10/07/2024 3415631 456.00 FARINGTON LODGE
11 11 Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 10/07/2024 3415459 300.00 CORAM
11 11 Hothersall Lodge Agency Staff 10201 10/07/2024 3414987 284.16 ADECCO UK LTD
11 11 Outdoor Education Central Trainer/Lecturer Fees 13200 10/07/2024 3415505 660.00 CLIMBBEAR TRAINING
11 11 Outdoor Education Central Trainer/Lecturer Fees 13200 10/07/2024 3415505 660.00 CLIMBBEAR TRAINING
11 11 Outdoor Education Central Trainer/Lecturer Fees 13200 10/07/2024 3415505 660.00 CLIMBBEAR TRAINING

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