There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - December 2024 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 1101 to 1120 of 41085

11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Travelling Expenses Refunded 12103 02/12/2024 3527161 70.12 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3527161 213.00 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3527161 975.62 REDACTED
11 11 Fylde Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526564 213.00 REDACTED
11 11 Fylde Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526564 975.62 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526866 249.00 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526866 1,047.62 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Birthday 15037 02/12/2024 3526682 187.00 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526682 527.00 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526682 2,394.06 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526850 249.00 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526850 1,047.62 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526677 213.00 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526677 975.62 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526468 340.00 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526468 1,596.04 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Christmas 15038 02/12/2024 3526992 357.00 REDACTED
11 11 Preston Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering General 15040 02/12/2024 3526992 1,630.04 REDACTED
11 11 CWD Agency Direct Payments - SOUTH Direct Payments-Personal Care 15029 02/12/2024 3527167 389.28 REDACTED
11 11 Burnley Fostering LCC Allowances - Fostering Birthday 15037 02/12/2024 3526517 170.00 REDACTED

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