There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - January 2025 (Version 1)


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Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 81 to 100 of 37575

10 10 Out County - Wyre Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Inter Agency Adoption Placements 14064 02/01/2025 3554317 281.19 REDACTED
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554311 19,765.00 RIBBLESDALE HIGH SCHOOL/TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554315 18,212.00 SAINT BEDE'S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL LYTHAM
10 10 St Marys Catholic School Admin Supplies 13163 02/01/2025 3554324 1,771.00 SIEMENS FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554325 27,200.00 SIR JOHN THURSBY COMMUNITY COLLEGE
10 10 CLA Pupil Premium Grant - Secondary LAC Pupil Premium Grant 21048 02/01/2025 3554325 620.00 SIR JOHN THURSBY COMMUNITY COLLEGE
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554330 19,040.00 SS JOHN FISHER & THOMAS MORE RC HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554331 5,440.00 ST AIDAN'S CHURCH OF ENGLAND HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554332 1,133.33 ST ANNE'S & ST JOSEPH'S RC A VOLUNTARY ACADEMY
10 10 High Needs Block - Primary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554333 3,772.00 ST ANNES CE PRIMARY SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Primary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554334 3,626.00 ST ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554335 3,627.00 ST BEDE'S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (BANK ACCOUNT SCHOOL)
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554336 8,160.00 ST CECILIA'S RC TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE
10 10 CLA Pupil Premium Grant - Secondary LAC Pupil Premium Grant 21048 02/01/2025 3554336 620.00 ST CECILIA'S RC TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554338 4,533.33 ST MARY MAGDALENE'S RC PRIMARY ACADEMY
10 10 Euxton Primrose Hill Bought in Curriculum Services 13206 02/01/2025 3554350 1,020.00 THE LOWRY CENTRE LTD
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554352 107,016.00 THE PRESTON MUSLIM SOCIETY QUWWATUL ISLAM MASJID
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554356 56,338.98 TOTAL TOTS
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554357 55,272.53 TOTAL TOTS LTD 
10 10 Northfold Community Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 02/01/2025 3554360 1,223.70 TWINKL LTD

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