There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - January 2025 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 41 to 60 of 37575

10 10 Gt Harwood St John's CE Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 02/01/2025 3554230 558.00 INTERNATIONAL DYSLEXIA LEARNING SOLUTIONS LTD
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554238 62,716.50 KING EDWARD VII & QUEEN MARY NURS & INFANTS
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554242 54,913.32 LANCASTER ROAD NURSERY
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554243 75,857.46 LANCASTER UNIVERSITY PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE
10 10 High Needs Block - Primary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554244 2,866.00 LEA NEELD'S ENDOWED CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL
10 10 Carter's Charity Primary Bought in Curriculum Services 13206 02/01/2025 3554246 745.55 LIFE EDUCATION LANCASHIRE & CUMBRIA
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554248 55,714.89 LITTLE EXPLORERS
10 10 Burscough Village Delegated Maintenance General 11031 02/01/2025 3554251 1,490.00 MARK GOWER LTD
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554266 24,480.00 MOOR PARK BUSINESS & ENTERPRISE SCHOOL
10 10 CLA Pupil Premium Grant - Secondary LAC Pupil Premium Grant 21048 02/01/2025 3554266 620.00 MOOR PARK BUSINESS & ENTERPRISE SCHOOL
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554267 9,589.00 MOORSIDE COMMUNITY PRIMARY ACADEMY SCHOOL
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554267 2,153.00 MOORSIDE COMMUNITY PRIMARY ACADEMY SCHOOL
10 10 EYPP Academy Primary Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554267 1,714.00 MOORSIDE COMMUNITY PRIMARY ACADEMY SCHOOL
10 10 EYPP Academy Primary Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554267 1,714.00 MOORSIDE COMMUNITY PRIMARY ACADEMY SCHOOL
10 10 Lathom High Agency Staff - Supply Teaching Staff 10202 02/01/2025 3554284 1,862.18 NEW DIRECTIONS EDUCATION LTD
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554290 6,346.00 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554290 2,850.00 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554292 9,974.00 OUR LADYS CATHOLIC COLLEGE
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554291 8,160.00 OUR LADY'S HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON
10 10 Read St John's CE School Admin Supplies 13163 02/01/2025 3554299 731.00 PEAC (UK) LTD

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