There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - January 2025 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 21 to 40 of 37575

10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554184 19,040.00 BROUGHTON HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 Sandylands Community Schools ICT - Admin software and systems 13607 02/01/2025 3554185 1,105.51 BT PLC
10 10 Singleton CE Primary Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 02/01/2025 3554188 425.00 CARR HILL HIGH ACADEMY
10 10 Medlar-With-Wesham CE Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 02/01/2025 3554188 425.00 CARR HILL HIGH ACADEMY
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554191 56,246.40 CHEZ NANNY NURSERY
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554193 11,699.00 CIDARI EDUCATION LTD
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554197 21,760.00 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554197 10,752.00 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 St Mary Magdalen's CE Schools Learning Resources Curriculum 13601 02/01/2025 3554198 1,400.00 CRANBERRY COACHWAYS LTD
10 10 St Teresa's. Up Holland Bought in Curriculum Services 13206 02/01/2025 3554210 400.00 ENDEAVOUR LEARNING TRUST
10 10 Lytham St Annes Mayfield Other Occupational Costs 11307 02/01/2025 3554212 219.75 FILTRON
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554213 4,534.00 FLEETWOOD HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 CLA Pupil Premium Grant - Secondary LAC Pupil Premium Grant 21048 02/01/2025 3554213 620.00 FLEETWOOD HIGH SCHOOL
10 10 Eccleston Primary Waste Collection Charges 11303 02/01/2025 3554218 282.90 GASKELLS WASTE SERVICES
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554219 55,426.14 GIANT LEAP CHILDCARE & LEARNING CENTRE LTD
10 10 PVI Providers 3 & 4 yr olds Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554222 84,813.96 GREENHOUSE FARM PRIVATE NURSERY
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554223 29,267.00 HASLINGDEN HIGH SCHOOL SPECIALIST ARTS COLLEGE
10 10 High Needs Block - Special HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554226 48,070.00 HILLSIDE SPECIALIST SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER
10 10 EY 2YO Acad Prim Other Establishments 14051 02/01/2025 3554228 400.00 HODGSON ACADEMY
10 10 High Needs Block - Secondary HNB - Top up funding 21053 02/01/2025 3554229 25,387.00 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

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