There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - December 2024 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 16681 to 16693 of 16693

12 12 OP-Nursing Long Term Placements Nursing Care - Independent Sector 14201 23/12/2024 3549556 8,819.12 HEATHLANDS CARE HOME
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550934 77,026.68 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550934 24,197.36 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Short Term Care Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550934 -6,549.60 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP - Residential Short Term Beds Spot Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550934 4,008.00 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Nursing Long Term Placements Nursing Care - Independent Sector 14201 23/12/2024 3550933 44,955.25 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 3,071.28 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 66,578.03 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Short Term Care Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 6,397.18 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 MH2-Residential Care Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 88.00 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 PDSI - Residential Short Term Beds Spot Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 3,660.00 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP - Residential Short Term Beds Spot Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550933 7,668.00 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550935 165.84 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550935 24,603.00 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550935 33,468.17 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Short Term Care Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550935 1,008.97 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP - Residential Short Term Beds Spot Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550935 1,765.70 SANDSTONE CARE NORTH WEST LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550135 4,470.36 MAX POTENTIAL UK LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3548658 3,480.00 BLACKROD HOUSE LTD
12 12 OP-Residential Long Term Placements Residential Care - Independent Sector 14202 23/12/2024 3550662 3,301.60 PNP CARE HOME

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