There are no payments showing for December 2022 due to the council's migration to a new finance system during this period

Search payment details - August 2024 (Version 1)


Keyword match criteria
Service label Service code Organisational unit Expenditure category Expenditure code Date Transaction number Amount Supplier name Actions

Displaying rows 21 to 40 of 44465

11 11 CWD Agency Family Support - NORTH Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436215 608.00 ALCEDO ORANGE LTD
11 11 CWD Agency Family Support-EAST Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436215 1,760.00 ALCEDO ORANGE LTD
11 11 CWD Agency Family Support - NORTH Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436215 256.00 ALCEDO ORANGE LTD
11 11 CWD Agency Family Support - NORTH Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436215 608.00 ALCEDO ORANGE LTD
11 11 C&D Domestic Abuse Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436253 16,666.67 BLACKBURN & DARWEN DISTRICT WITHOUT ABUSE
11 11 Agency Residential - East Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436256 20,000.00 BLOSSOM FAMILY BEGINNINGS
11 11 Agency Residential - East Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436256 20,000.00 BLOSSOM FAMILY BEGINNINGS
11 11 Agency Residential - East Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436256 26,000.00 BLOSSOM FAMILY BEGINNINGS
11 11 Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436288 11,291.40 CORAM
11 11 Key School Project Team Software – Expense 13384 01/08/2024 47 95.60 DIGITAL SERVICES
11 11 Key School Project Team Software – Expense 13384 01/08/2024 47 95.60 DIGITAL SERVICES
11 11 CIN, CP &LAC - Countywide Legal Costs Legal Fees 13196 01/08/2024 3436307 291.70 ESCRIBERS LTD
11 11 Learner Support Team - East Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436332 550.00 HCFT LTD
11 11 Outdoor Education Central Trainer/Lecturer Fees 13200 01/08/2024 3436368 3,518.40 KA OUTDOORS
11 11 CWD Agency Residential - SOUTH Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436386 16,305.00 LONSDALE CARE LTD
11 11 CWD Agency Family Support - SOUTH Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436446 391.84 PIP (PLAY INCLUSION PROJECT)
11 11 Supporting People - CSC Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436447 1,402.38 PLACES FOR PEOPLE
11 11 Supporting People - CSC Private Contractors & Other Agencies - Other 14063 01/08/2024 3436447 467.46 PLACES FOR PEOPLE
11 11 Hothersall Lodge Food Provisions General 13091 01/08/2024 3436458 283.78 RALPH LIVESEY LTD
11 11 Hothersall Lodge Food Provisions General 13091 01/08/2024 3436458 731.66 RALPH LIVESEY LTD

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